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Liam Zebedee

Founder at Dappnet


Liam Zebedee is a tech entrepreneur specializing in crypto, product design, and the forefront of new technology. After graduating from the University of Technology Sydney with a Bachelor of IT (Information Technology), Liam has since worked with several startups and tech companies, most recently as a Protocol Engineer with Synthetix and Keep Network. He is currently a Founder at Gliss and has been involved in various research projects, including Goliath, Gliss, SugarDAO, and the TradeUp contract for Loot. Liam is passionate about learning and is highly knowledgeable in areas such as Emergent Value, Simulacra, Mimetic Desire, Low-Fidelity, Memes, Remix Culture, Attention Economy, Mimetic Gaming, P2P Reputation, Path Dependence, Prediction Markets, Generative AI, Distributed Systems, Blockchains, VMs, Internet and Culture, Second-Order Effects of Generative AI and Crypto, Price Floor for Influence, Derivatives, Stablecoins, Hardware as the Nation State, and ZK STARKs, SNARKs, and Cryptography.